Plotting or Pantsing? -- A Middle Way?
Writing your Novel
Plotting or Pantsing? - A Middle Way?
In yesterday's post, I talked about the two best-known methods of how to write your novel, Plotting and Pantsing and I said that for the second book in the Agathan trilogy, The Silver Child, I was going to use a hybrid method. So today I'm going to explain the method I'm using so you can see there are other ways to go about writing your novel.
First, a disclaimer. Using any of these different techniques does not guarantee your work will be published, nothing, not even good planning, can make up for an uninteresting protagonist, unconnected story arcs with weak emotional and action plots, and badly written dialogue.
That said, you can overcome all of the above if at least your story is well constructed and it doesn't matter how you do it, just do it!
So, The Silver Child. How is that story being planned?
First, I had the idea for this part of the trilogy just after I started Return of the Burning Man so it's been on the back burner for a couple of years or so. The second thing to say is that, despite knowing that the antagonist from RotBM makes a comeback in TSC, I only have a vague idea of the plot of this novel.
So, that's where the Hybrid system comes in. With only a vague idea of the plot, I can make index cards for the main plot elements
- Inciting Event
- Quest Begins
- Quest Continues
- Reversal One
- Reversal Two
- Reversal Three/Rug Pull
- Climax
- Resolution
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