Return of the Burning Man - Update

 Hello all, it's been a while since my last post on this site and my word haven't we been through some extraordinary times? Covid has forced us to live very limited lives without the ability to do that most basic of human activities, direct contact. The writing and poetry groups throughout the country have had to close their doors and conduct their activities through Zoom. It's not the same but it's better than nothing!

I've been beavering away at my writing including work on 'The Return of the Burning Man' and I'm making good progress in getting the book complete. My guess is that I would be finished the first draft by the end of March and I intend to put it away and start work on other thing for at least two months before returning to it for the start of editing. Of course, I have no idea how long that might take but I'm hoping to be looking to send the first three chapters out to agents at the beginning of 2022 at the latest.

So, there you are. Sothoo and Raru'iti and all the other characters are all deeply engaged in their story at the moment and they are heading inexorably towards the explosive finale. Keep in touch for further details. For now, keep writing your novel, short story, poetry or anything but keep on at it and make sure you make every day a creative day.

Best wishes

